Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Rival

It's been a slow month for me due to issues with my laptop, but I'm back up and running now. Happy New Year to all, and here's looking forward to lots of Star Wars in 2015.


The Rival
There's something of a fellowship among hotshot smugglers and other beings who fly for hire. After all, these characters recognize that they experience similar dangers working for the same types of employers. Even so, there's also a sense of competition among them, always trying to outdo one another when it comes to demonstrating their skills and showing off their ships. Take, for example, the record for the Kessel run set by Han Solo and Chewbacca, broken by BoShek, and then later reclaimed by the Human and Wookiee partners.

Togala Genu, Xexto Hotshot (Rival)
Brawn 1 Cunning 2 Presence 2
Agility 4 Intellect 2 Willpower 1

Soak: 1
Wound Threshold: 10
Strain Threshold: 10
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Astrogation 2, Computers 1, Cool 2, Gunnery 3, Mechanics 1, Piloting—Planetary 2, Piloting—Space 3, Ranged—Light 2, Streetwise 1, Vigilance 2

Talents: Confidence, Corellian Sendoff, Dedication, Grit, Koiogran Turn, Shortcut, Showboat, Skilled Jockey

Abilities: One free rank in the Confidence talent; Additional Limbs (one free maneuver per turn)

Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol, long-range comlink, A/KT Wing Commander armored flightsuit

Togala is a brash, boastful pilot; the only thing he enjoys more than piloting his ship in dangerous situations is telling others about it later. Even so, he is friendly with other pilots and loyal to those who earn his respect. He has no love for beings who lie or cheat others (but taking a little license in storytelling is another matter entirely).
Togala flies an R-41 Starchaser starfighter, the Pursuit, for special “small package trade” delivery assignments.

Using Togala in an Edge of the Empire Campaign
This Xexto hotshot can be incorporated into an Edge of the Empire campaign in many different ways; a few of the possibilities are detailed here.
  • Most notably, Togala can compete with the PCs for jobs and glory.
  • A Hutt or other employer could send him to help the PCs if a job goes wrong—and he won't let them hear the end of it, of course.
  • Alternately, the PCs could be sent to retrieve him from a sticky situation.
  • The Xexto could eventually betray the PCs if someone makes him an offer he can't refuse.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Hole

Every smuggler, from time to time, needs to upgrade his/her/its vessel. When that time comes, and if said smuggler is visiting Hutt Space, then a good choice for doing so is The Hole, an illicit shipyard run by a Verpine named Ree Blega.

The Hole
Refer to the appropriate map for the following area descriptions.

The facility itself is cut out from the earth in a remote part of Nal Hutta; it looks like little more than a hole in the hillside. What is more, the entrance can be sealed with a camouflaged covering, requiring a daunting Perception check to notice it. Inside it is a massive, cavernous structure 180 meters square and thirty meters high. This, in turn, is divided into eight individual stalls for starships, with a powerful hoist mechanism mounted in the ceiling over each. In the middle of the structure is a low building that provides housing, storage and amenities for Ree Blega and her guests.

Said building is divided into four separate units. One (1) is Blega's own quarters, a simple area with a bed, workstation and storage trunk, along with a table and chairs for meetings. Another (2) is a storage room, lined with shelves that hold spare parts, tools and other such things. There is also a room (3) filled with bunks as well as tables and chairs, providing a place where visitors can crash if they don't want to sleep aboard their ships. Last but certainly not least important is a small bar (4) that serves autochef-prepared food and more traditionally made drinks.

Ree Blega (Rival)
Brawn 1 Cunning 2 Presence 2
Agility 2 Intellect 4 Willpower 2

Soak: 1
Wound Threshold: 1
Strain Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 1 / 1

Skills: Astrogation 2, Computers 3, Gunnery 1, Mechanics 3, Melee 1, Negotiation 2, Outer Rim 1, Perception 2, Piloting—Planetary 2, Piloting—Space 2, Ranged—Light 1, Vigilance 1

Talents: Dedication, Inventor, Jury Rigged, Side Step, Solid Repairs, Speaks Binary, Solid Repairs, Utility Belt

Abilities: One free rank in Mechanics; Chitin Plating: Verpine have a defense rating of 1; Microscopic Sight: Verpine add Advantage to Perception checks.

Equipment: Utility belt, comlink, blaster pistol, datapad, toolkit

Ree Blega loves to experiment with technology. To that end, running The Hole is an ideal situation. Spacers bring their starships for upgrades, giving her a chance to do what she does best. It is profitable and fun. Sometimes it can be difficult to deal with their personalities, but usually they acknowledge that few can provide better service than she. She also delights in hearing spacers' tales, and one day she just might give in to the desire for having an adventure of her own.

Ree Blega's Droids
The Verpine is assisted by a small army of droids. R2 astromech droids aid in making repairs and modifications, along with some Binary Load Lifters, while 3PO units assist with negotiations and provide service in the bar. There are also some OOM security droids in case visitors become aggressive.

Using the Hole in an Edge of the Empire Campaign
This establishment and its Verpine proprietor can be incorporated into an Edge of the Empire campaign in many different ways; a few of the possibilities are detailed here.
  • The most likely reason that the PCs come here is because they seek a modification or upgrade for their ship.
  • In lieu of credits for payment, Ree Blega could send the PCs on an assignment to salvage particular items for a job.
  • During a visit to the facility, the PCs could always run into rivals or enemies, forcing a confrontation in a place that doesn't permit hostilities.
  • A tech-savvy character might be offered a job working here.
  • The PCs could be present when the Empire stages a raid, requiring them to decide between fight and flight.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Still More Guests of the Lodging House

Detailed below is another of the many different personalities that one might encounter in Haiuk's establishment.

Lieutenant Tavis Merrot, Imperial Customs Inspector (Rival)
Brawn 2 Cunning 3 Presence 3
Agility 2 Intellect 3 Willpower 2

Soak: 2
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Astrogation 1, Computers 1, Deception 2, Negotiation 2, Perception 3, Ranged—Light 1, Streetwise 1, Underworld 1, Vigilance 2

Talents: Nones

Abilities: None

Equipment: Imperial uniform, blaster pistol, comlink, datapad

Tavis Merrot is the Imperial officer assigned to inspecting cargoes on Nal Hutta. While he at first loathed the job, given the locals with whom he was forced to work, he has since come to enjoy its lucrative nature. After all, he has a working agreement by which he ignores most of what the Hutts' agents bring onto the world, in exchange for a healthy stipend. He remains on the lookout for activities that might prove detrimental to the Hutts, however, and is quick to wield what power he has if there is need. Lieutenant Merrot is always accompanied by a squad of Imperial troops (use the naval trooper stats from page 403 of the core rulebook) and travels in a personnel carrier (see page 252 for stats).

Using the Inspector in an Edge of the Empire Campaign
This Imperial bureaucrat can be incorporated into an Edge of the Empire campaign in many different ways; a few of the possibilities are detailed here.
  • The inspector can be a recurring character; any time the PCs arrive on Nal Hutta, he is there to inspect their vessel and assign the appropriate taxes and fees.
  • Should the PCs deliver a particularly illicit or valuable cargo, the lieutenant could try to extort them for a great share of its value.
  • In the event that the PCs make themselves enemies of the Empire, or run up bounties that are just too lucrative, Merrot could decide to betray them in order to claim the reward for himself.

Friday, November 28, 2014

More Guests of the Lodging House

Detailed below are more of the many different personalities that one might encounter in Haiuk's establishment.

Nog Teleus, Rebel Operative (Rival)
Brawn 1 Cunning 3 Presence 2
Agility 3 Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Soak: 1
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 14
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Computers 1, Cool 1, Core Worlds 1, Deception 1, Lore 2, Mechanics 1, Medicine 1, Melee 1, Negotiation 3, Outer Rim 2, Perception 2, Piloting—Planetary 1, Piloting—Space 1, Ranged—Light 2, Resilience 1, Skulduggery 1, Stealth 1, Streetwise 1, Survival 1, Underworld 1, Vigilance 2

Talents: Greased Palms, Grit, Know Somebody, Master Merchant, Smooth Talker, Toughened, Wheel and Deal

Abilities: Free rank in Athletics; Hold Breath: Tynnans can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to ten times their Brawn rating before they risk suffocating; Natural Swimmers: Tynnans receive boost dice on all Athletics checks made to swim

Equipment: Utility belt, blaster pistol, comlink, datapad, vibroknife

Cham Teleus (Type)
Brawn 1 Cunning 2 Presence 3
Agility 3 Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Soak: 1
Wound Threshold: 10
Strain Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Charm 3, Cool 1, Core Worlds 2, Deception 2, Leadership 2, Lore 2, Negotiation 3, Outer Rim 1, Perception 2, Ranged—Light 1, Resilience 1, Underworld 2, Vigilance 2, Xenology 1

Talents: Confidence, Dodge, Grit x2, Inspiring Rhetoric, Kill with Kindness, Nobody's Fool, Steely Nerves

Abilities: Free rank in Athletics; Hold Breath: Tynnans can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to ten times their Brawn rating before they risk suffocating; Natural Swimmers: Tynnans receive boost dice on all Athletics checks made to swim

Equipment: Utility belt, blaster pistol, comlink

Nog and Cham Teleus are a Tynnan couple who once lived in the Cularin System; now they are regulars at Haiuk's Lodge. While the story they tell is one of retired industrialists who are now living out their retirement in a lively new setting, the truth of the matter is that they are agents of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Cham, who is more of the socialite, handles recruiting and diplomatic affairs, while Nog specializes in logistical matters. Both are regarded by Haiuk the Whiphid as little cousins. They are always on the lookout for beings who sympathize with their ideals and show proficiency in different skill sets that could be used in combatting the oppression of the Galactic Empire.

Using these Beings in an Edge of the Empire Campaign
This pair of travelers can be incorporated into an Edge of the Empire campaign in many different ways; a few of the possibilities are detailed here.
  • The Teleuses walk a fine line between dealing with the Hutts and their minions, along with serving Alliance interests. In this way they might recruit the PCs for any number of jobs, such as running blockades to deliver cargoes of weapons to active Rebel cells.
  • They are particularly active when it comes to recruiting members of disaffected, Hutt-dominated species such as Klatooinans, Nikto and Vodrans.
  • A service for which the Tynnans pay good credits is spying. This includes, of course, any and all information about Imperial activities that can be had. Given the fact that the Rebellion disapproves of slavery, opportunities to stage raids and liberate beings from bondage are also appreciated.
  • In the event that the PCs find themselves in big trouble with the Hutts, the Tynnans could provide a means of escape—provided that the PCs are willing to strike a deal, of course.
  • One major objective of the pair is obtaining access to the secret, Hutt-protected hyperspace lanes that were given to the Republic during the Clone Wars.
  • What is more, rumors persist that the Confederacy of Independent Systems maintained secret supply depots, ones that contain stockpiles of munitions and secret weapons.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Guests of the Lodging House

Detailed below are some of the many different personalities that one might encounter in Haiuk's establishment.

Kralow, Zabrak Bodyguard (Rival)
Brawn 3 Cunning 2 Presence 2
Agility 3 Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Soak: 3
Wound Threshold: 15
Strain Threshold: 14
M/R Defense: 1 / 1

Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Coercion 1, Cool 2, Gunnery 1, Lore 1, Melee 2, Perception 2, Ranged—Heavy 3, Ranged—Light 2, Resilience 1, Survival 1, Vigilance 2

Talents: Barrage, Body Guard, Brace, Defensive Stance, Durable, Grit, Hard Headed, Side Step, Toughened

Abilities: Free rank in Perception or Resistance

Equipment: Armored clothing, light repeating blaster, blaster pistol, vibrosword, vibroknife, comlink, 500 credits
Zay Tesmrik, Human Scoundrel (Rival)
Brawn 2 Cunning 3 Presence 3
Agility 2 Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Soak: 2
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Charm 2, Computers 1, Cool 1, Core Worlds 1, Deception 2, Lore 2, Negotiation 1, Outer Rim 2, Perception 2, Ranged—Light 1, Skulduggery 2, Stealth 2, Streetwise 2, Underworld 2, Vigilance 1

Talents: One free rank in each of two non-career skills

Abilities: Black Market Contacts, Convincing Demeanor, Quick Strike, Rapid Reaction, Side Step

Equipment: Clothing, blaster pistol, comlink, datapad, sabacc deck, 2000 credits

Zay Tesmrik is a Human of Dathomiri origin, and her exotic appearance—pale complexion, dark hair and eyes, and elaborate facial tattoos—hint at her background. About a year ago she managed to slip offworld with her friend and bodyguard, Kralow, in tow. Now the pair make their living through Zay's schemes, relying on her sabacc winnings, various schemes and the occasional job that he undertakes. The Human tends to be flirtatious and adventurous; what she hasn't completely recognized is that Kralow has fallen in love with her, and is becoming jealous of the beings to whom she gives her attention.

Using these Beings in an Edge of the Empire Campaign
This pair of travelers can be incorporated into an Edge of the Empire campaign in many different ways; a few of the possibilities are detailed here.
  • One or more PCs could be drawn into one of Zay's sabacc games.
  • Zay could also serve as an informant, trading information about lucrative opportunities for cash or services rendered.
  • It's even odds of whether the offer is legitimate or just some kind of scam, of course.
  • Should one of the PCs take an interest in Zay, Kralow could become belligerent.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Lodging House

Many of the beings who come to Nal Hutta do so because they have business with the leaders of the various kajidics. Unless they are planning to stay in a given Hutt's palace for an extended period of time, most of them require only temporary lodging. Taking advantage of that need, an enterprising Whiphid bounty hunter who was approaching the twilight of his career—and who'd lost a leg in a run-in with a wild beast—decided to invest his earnings in an establishment that catered to such traffic. He gave it the somewhat uninspired name of the Lodging House, and now sells a new kind of service to the many beings who come and go on the planet.

The Lodging House
Haiuk's establishment is a squat, broad building, two stories in height. Broad double doors serve as the main entrance, while a smaller door provides a secondary exit in the back. The building is made of pourstone over a durasteel frame, making it very strong indeed.

1. Main Room
Twenty-five tables fill this area. There is also a bar along the wall opposite the main entrance. Stairways and turbolifts provide access from here to the upper level, and double doors behind the bar lead back to the kitchen.

2. Kitchen
While certainly not fancy, this area is quite functional, and Haiak and his staff use it to prepare all manner of dishes for their guests.

3. Pantry
This room is well stocked with nonperishable food items; what is more, a trapdoor in the floor leads to an underground vault in which fresh meat, ale and similar items are stored.

4. Private Rooms
There are two of these small areas, separated from the main hall and therefore providing a little more privacy for those beings who wish to conduct their business without drawing unwanted attention.

5. Refreshers
These small rooms boast all the expected features.

6. Sleeping Quarters
The stairs and turbolifts from the lower level open into this area. A pair of hallways provide access to more than two dozen rooms, each of which is equipped with a bed, a storage closed, a desk and a small refresher.

Haiuk the Whiphid (Rival)
Brawn 4 Cunning 3 Presence 2
Agility 3 Intellect 1 Willpower 2

Soak: 5
Wound Threshold: 17
Strain Threshold: 11
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Coercion 2, Cool 1, Medicine 1, Melee 3, Perception 2, Ranged—Heavy 2, Resilience 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 2

Talents: Forager, Grit, Outdoorsman, Stalker, Toughened

Abilities: Claws: Brawl attacks do Brawn +1 damage and have Critical 3; Scent: remove a setback die caused by concealment for targets within Short Range; Insulated Fur: remove a setback die from skill checks caused by a cold environment.

Equipment: Padded armor, slugthrower rifle, walking stick (doubles as truncheon), obviously cybernetic replacement leg (right)

Haiuk has reached the twilight of his career, but hasn't lost his zeal for the hunt. To that end, he still loves to tell tales of past adventures, and to hear similar stories from his guests. One should not assume that he's completely past his prime, however; even with the limp that comes from a poorly matched replacement, he is still formidable in a fight. The Whiphid tends to cut his patrons a fair amount of slack, but those who cross the line with him or with other visitors are soon to learn better.

Whiphid Staff (Minions)
Brawn 3 Cunning 2 Presence 2
Agility 2 Intellect 1 Willpower 2

Soak: 5
Wound Threshold: 5 each
Strain Threshold: NA
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills (group only): Brawl, Melee, Perception, Ranged—Heavy

Talents: None

Abilities: Claws: Brawl attacks do Brawn +1 damage and have Critical 3; Scent: remove a setback die caused by concealment for targets within Short Range; Insulated Fur: remove a setback die from skill checks caused by a cold environment.

Equipment: Padded armor, vibrosword, slugthrower rifle

While the quality of their service certainly leaves something to be desired, there's no arguing the fact that these Whiphids help to maintain a peaceful environment in the Lodging House. Each is utterly loyal to Haiuk, and together they are a match for just about any unruly customer.

Using the Lodging House in an Edge of the Empire Campaign
This establishment can be incorporated into an Edge of the Empire campaign in many different ways; a few of the possibilities are detailed here.
  • First and foremost, beings who have business with the Hutts on Nal Hutta might stay here during their downtime.
  • Given the nature of the establishment's clientele, one could run into all sorts of unsavory (and potentially lucrative) business here.
  • The PCs could be hired to steal an item or some information from a being staying here; alternately, they could suffer such predations if they possess something of value.
  • Rumor has it that Haiuk is a spy for Lady Valarian on Tatooine, but most beings believe that to be an unfounded and rather speciesist rumor.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Slarr's Sail Barge

When he needs to travel on Nal Hutta, Slarr the Hutt prefers to do so in style. That's why his underlings maintain an Ubrikkian Luxury-class sail barge, one outfitted to suit Slarr's personal tastes.

The Sail Barge
This vessel, like many of its type, has two decks, along with a raised platform in the rear. The upper deck is partially open to the sky above, excepting the billowing sail canopy. From it, stairs lead up to the aft platform as well as to the main deck below. There is also a cargo lift used for loading supplies and Slarr himself. Beneath the aft platform is a small space for crew members and guards, along with a refresher unit. The main deck boasts a full kitchen and pantry, along with a broad main chamber. This area features shuttered windows that can be opened for passengers to view passing scenery or any sort of spectacle arranged for the Hutt's enjoyment.

Tescali Ru, Human Pilot (Rival)
Brawn 2 Cunning 2 Presence 2
Agility 3 Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Soak: 2
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Computers 1, Cool 2, Coordination 1, Gunnery 2, Mechanics 2, Perception 1, Piloting—Planetary 3, Piloting—Space 2, Ranged—Light 2, Streetwise 1, Underworld 1, Vigilance 2

Talents: Dead to Rights, Full Throttle, Improved Dead to Rights, Improved Full Throttle, Let's Ride, Skilled Jockey

Abilities: One rank in each of two non-class skills

Equipment: Pilot's jumpsuit, vest, blaster pistol, comlink

Tescali Ru is a young Corellian pilot whose sense of self-assurance borders on cockiness. Even so, she is more than qualified to pilot Slarr the Hutt's sail barge. While the job doesn't exactly challenge her abilities, she sees it as a stepping stone to piloting a starship and making important runs on behalf of her Hutt boss. Until then she is content to fulfill her current assignment. Even so, she dreams of having her own ship, contending with the powers that be, and perhaps even challenging Solo's record for the Kessel Run.

Other Characters
When traveling on his sail barge, Slarr the Hutt is generally accompanied by his majordomo, Eom Nivlem; various Nikto servants; Tenrep Cray, his chief of security; and multiple Aqualish bodyguards.

Using the Sail Barge in an Edge of the Empire Campaign
This vehicle can be incorporated into an Edge of the Empire campaign in many different ways; a few of the possibilities are detailed here.
  • PCs who are working their way into Slarr's good graces might be assigned as guards for one of his expeditions, and thus could face danger when the Hutt's enemies stage an attack.
  • On the flipside of the credcoin, the same characters could be hired to stage an attack while Slarr is out for a voyage, thereby facing off against the many guards who are protecting him.
  • Should the sail barge suffer a catastrophic breakdown while floating through one of Nal Hutta's many swamps, the PCs could be called upon to stage a rescue.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Itinerant Gungan

There's an old saying in the galaxy: “It's a dirty job, but some being's got to do it.” This summarizes well the career of Lulu Ogrin, a Gungan who lives on Nal Hutta and works for Slarr the Hutt. Piloting his skiff, Lulu performs two main tasks. One is that he explores the swamps of that planet, harvesting pockets of swamp gas for use as fuel. The other is that he disposes of refuse for his boss, no questions asked. Sometimes that latter part requires him to find places where recently deceased organic remains need to be buried so deeply that no one will ever see them again.

Lulu Ogrin, Gungan Refuse Hauler/Swamp Gas Harvester (Rival)
Brawn 2 Cunning 2 Presence 1
Agility 3 Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Soak: 3
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Cool 1, Coordination 1, Mechanics 1, Melee 1, Negotiation 2, Outer Rim 1, Perception 2, Piloting—Planetary 2, Ranged—Light 2, Streetwise 1, Survival 3, Underworld 1, Vigilance 2

Talents: Forager, Heightened Awareness, Natural Hunter, Quick Strike, Rapid Recovery

Abilities: One free rank in Coordination; Hold Breath: Gungans can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to 10 times their Brawn rating before they risk suffocating; Natural Swimmers: Gungans never suffer penal- ties to movement while traveling through water.

Equipment: Heavy clothing, blaster pistol, force pike, comlink

Lulu performs his assigned tasks with a typical Gungan outlook—he is friendly and cheerful, even to the point of seeming obnoxious. That mask conceals a calculating individual, however, one who is always on the lookout for opportunities to better his position in the galaxy. Should he be given a chance to betray his Hutt master and escape his life of drudgery, he might just take it.

Using Lulu in an Edge of the Empire Campaign
This itinerant Gungan can be incorporated into an Edge of the Empire campaign in many different ways; a few of the possibilities are detailed here.
  • PCs who are trying to gain employment from Slarr the Hutt might first be assigned to help Lulu with an unappealing task.
  • Alternately, those who are trying to infiltrate Slarr's court might seek out the Gungan and persuade him to help them do so.
  • When an important being turns up missing, and the PCs need to find out what happened to him/her/it, they might seek out Lulu in order to find the body.
  • Should Lulu discover an opportunity to turn the table on his Hutt employer, he could recruit the PCs to help him do so.

Lulu's Skiff
The pride and joy of this itinerant Gungan is his Ubrikkian Bantha II cargo skiff. It is presented below in a format that the GM can print to scale and use for running scenes involving it or similar vehicles.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wogg the Tusker

The stereotype among Gamorreans is that they have dark green skin, porcine features and brutish personalities. Wogg the Tusker differs from that image in at least three ways. For one thing, he has pinkish skin. For another, he is an introspective, pacifistic soul, one who respects all forms of life and wishes to see them live together in harmony. Finally, he is sensitive to that mysterious energy field known as the Force.

Wogg's Dwelling
This unusual Gamorrean lives in a crude mud hut. Inside it he has built a rough bed, a hearth and a desk at which to write about his musings. A stout post rises up through the center of it, a skin covers the doorway, and a hole in the roof provides ventilation. Around the outside of the hut he has built a fence for containing the watch-beasts that he raises—a male, three females and six young.

Wogg the Tusker (Rival)
Brawn 3 Cunning 2 Presence 2
Agility 2 Intellect 2 Willpower 3

Soak: 3
Wound Threshold: 15
Strain Threshold: 11
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Discipline 2, Lore 3, Medicine 1, Melee 2, Negotiation 1, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 1

Talents: Control Upgrade, Forager, Heightened Awareness, Natural Hunter, Quick Draw, Quick Strike, Rapid Recovery, Sense Basic Power, Uncanny Reactions, Uncanny Senses

Abilities: One free rank in Melee; Savage Warrior: When making a Brawl or Melee check, Gamorreans add the Vicious 1 quality to their weapon. If the weapon already has the Vicious quality, increase the listed value by 1.

Equipment: Padded armor, vibroknife, force pike

Wogg the Tusker has always been an anomaly. When other boars around him delighted in fighting each other, he preferred to contemplate the mysteries of the natural world. This led him to seek the solitude of the local forest, where he makes a living by raising watch-beasts for sale to his former fellows and offworlders. What few know is that Wogg was in love with Matron Orrza of the Moorb Clan, and that she loved him, too. Because he was not a suitable mate according to Gamorrean standards, however, she let him go into exile rather than appear to be weak.

Using Wogg the Tusker in an Edge of the Empire Campaign
This character can be incorporated into an Edge of the Empire campaign in many different ways; a few of the possibilities are detailed here.
  • Wogg can act as a different kind of teacher for Force-sensitive characters, one who is unusual but effective. They could meet him during a fair at the Moorb clanhold, or perhaps while seeking him directly.
  • A Hutt crimelord could hire the PCs to pick up a load of watch-beasts for delivery to another world, making for an interesting flight.
  • When a rival boar learns of Wogg's love for his clan Matron, that Gamorrean warrior calls for an honor duel to the death. She, in turn, might recruit the PCs to help settle the matter in a way that prevents bloodshed.
  • If Imperial forces ever learned of Wogg's Force sensitivity, they might take steps to eliminate him.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gamorrean Miscellany

This post presents some equipment peculiar to, or useful, Gamorreans, along with two new creatures.


Creatures of Gamorr
The planet Gamorr is known for a number of distinctive creatures, some of which are presented below.

Watch-Beast (Rival)
Brawn 4 Cunning 3 Presence 2
Agility 2 Intellect 1 Willpower 3

Soak: 6
Wound Threshold: 16
Strain Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Perception 2, Vigilance 2
Talents: None

Abilities: Silhouette 2; Adversary 1

Equipment: Bite (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Engaged])

Watch-beasts are predators that have been domesticated by the Gamorreans for use in protecting their homes. They are large in stature—easily the size of a speeder—with four thick legs, stout horns and a mouth full of sharp teeth. They are keenly aware of their surroundings, and tend to attack any creature other than the Gamorreans to whom they're loyal unless ordered to do otherwise. Recently, agents of the Empire have begun acquiring these creatures for use as guard animals at Imperial facilities, such as at the training facility on Sirpar.

Quizzer (Rival)
Brawn 1 Cunning 3 Presence 2
Agility 4 Intellect 1 Willpower 1

Soak: 1
Wound Threshold: 5
Strain Threshold: 5
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Athletics 2, Perception 2, Skulduggery 2, Stealth 2, Survival 2

Talents: None

Abilities: Silhouette 0; Arboreal: gain a boost die to actions involving movement in the trees, but suffer a setback die to movement-related actions on the ground

Equipment: Claws (Brawl; Damage 3; Critical 5; Range [Engaged]); shiny objects pilfered from unsuspecting travelers

Quizzers are mischievous arboreal creatures native to the planet Gamorr. They are bipedal and roughly humanoid, with clawed feet, prehensile tails, opposable thumbs, and four bony plates that protrude from their backs. While most harmless, they do love shiny objects, and steal them when the opportunity arises. This has made them a hated enemy of the Gamorreans. For more information about them, check out the relevant article on Wookieepedia.

New Equipment
The Gamorreans possess a number of distinctive equipment items; these are detailed below.


This battle armor is assembled piecemeal from pieces of scrap collected on the battlefield, and connected by leather straps—at least in an ideal world. Nowadays, many Gamorreans just by the prefabricated version. More old-fashioned warriors consider it dishonorable for non-Gamorreans to wear the armor, and challenge those who do so to duels.

Pierce 1, Sunder, Vicious 1
Disorient 2

*The rarity listed is for purchasing these items on Gamorr; increase it by 2 when not on that planet.

The Gamorrean axe is a heavy metal blade attached to a stout wooden handle. It is specifically designed to take advantage of Gamorrean's low center of gravity, meaning that characters who aren't built like them suffer a setback die to Melee checks when wielding arg'garoks.

The Gamorrean club is made from a stout piece of wood, preferably gorgt wood, with a metal spike driven through it. Ideally, Gamorrean warriors drive that spike through the wood with their own fists.

Gear and Equipment

More sophisticated than a vox-box, a transliterator is a device that translates phrases from one language (often a being's native tongue) into another (usually Basic). What is more, it is usually designed to “speak” in a voice based off of a known celbrity, such as pop holostar Javul Charn or former Imperial Senator Princess Leia of Alderaan.

This small electronic device can store up to a dozen pre-recorded phrases, usually in Basic, with a button for each. Of course, the user can choose to record other phrases instead. Sometimes when that happens, shenanigans ensue.