Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Family

The previous post detailed a wealthy estate that could be used in many different ways during an Edge of the Empire campaign; this one presents a family that just might live in such a residence.

Darmin Folet
Brawn 2 Cunning 2 Presence 3
Agility 2 Intellect 3 Willpower 1

Soak: 2
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 11
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Charm 2, Computers 1, Cool 1, Core Worlds 1, Deception 2, Education 1, Leadership 1, Negotiation 2, Outer Rim 1, Perception 1, Ranged--Light 1, Streetwise 1, Vigilance 1

Talents: Convincing Demeanor, Smooth Talker, Wheel and Deal

Abilities: Free ranks in each of two different skills

Equipment: Clothing, comlink, datapad

Darvin--or Dar, as he prefers to be called by close associates--is the patriarch of the Folet clan. He is an astute businessman and a devoted family man, always one to talk about the benefits of pulling onself up by the bootstraps as well as looking out for one's own. What most beings don't know is that he has accepted payoffs from the Slarr the Hutt, and now works as something of a vassal to that crimelord.

It all started when some of the freighters hauling goods for Folet's company were attacked by pirates. It turned out that these shipments didn't have the proper insurance, and he suffered total losses for them. These failures left Folet short on cash and holding considrable debt. In order to make his payments, he accepted a large sum of credits from Slarr. Now, in exchange for that money, he lets the Hutt's goons use his company's shipping runs as a cover for smuggling spice, weapons and the like. What the Human doesn't know is that it was Slarr who sent the pirates after the vessels in the first place, hoping thereby to acquire a legitimate business front with little effort.

Darvin Folet is a handsome Human male with striking blue eyes and blonde hair that is slowly giving way to white. He dresses in expensive but not ostentatious clothing.

Corun Folet
Brawn 2 Cunning 2 Presence 3
Agility 2 Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Soak: 2
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Athletics 1, Charm 2, Computers 1, Coordination 1, Core Worlds 1, Education 1, Leadership 2, Lore 1, Medicine 1, Negotiation 2, Outer Rim 1, Perception 1, Ranged--Light 1, Resilience 1, Streetwise 1, Survival 1, Vigilance 1, Xenology 1

Talents: Dodge, Inspiring Rhetoric, Kill with Kindness

Abilities: Free ranks in each of two different skills

Equipment: Clothing, comlink, datapad

Many beings in Corun's situation would be content to sit back and enjoy a life of relative luxury. After all, though her husband's wealth may not compare to some in the Core Worlds, she has no need to work in order to support herself. Even so, Corun has taken it upon herself to make the lives of the galaxy's downtrodden better. To that end, this Human devotes a remendous amount of time to charity work, efforts to provide food and shelter to those in the galaxy who need it.

The reason for this charitable zeal is the cause of much speculation. Some say that it is because Corun is just trying to keep busy, or that she is trying to use some of her husband's wealth to do good in the galaxy. Others suggest that theirs is a loveless marriage, however, and that this is a means for her to feel some sense of purpose and value in her life.

Corun is a beautiful Human woman with a dark complexion, raven-colored hair and brown eyes.

Ny Folet
Brawn 2 Cunning 2 Presence 2
Agility 3 Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Soak: 3
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Computers 1, Cool 1, Coordination 1, Education 1, Gunnery 1, Mechanics 1, Melee 1, Outer Rim 1, Perception 1, Piloting--Planetary 2, Ranged--Light 1, Streetwise 1, Vigilance 1

Talents: Full Throttle, Let's Ride, Skilled Jockey

Abilities: Free ranks in each of two different skills

Equipment: Heavy clothing, blaster pistol, comlink, swoop bike

Ny Folet enjoys fast living, fast women and fast swoops--and not necessarily in that order. He is very much the spoiled rich son of his father, with few cares in life except for being entertained and proving that his swoop is the fastest. To that end he is something of a bully, always trying to goad others into racing against him. Ny is not a good loser, either, always coming up with some excuse why he loses, or gloating if he wins. He is generally accompanied by a small posse of similarly wealthy brats, which so far has helped keep him out of any real trouble. What his parents fear--and is indeed the case--is that Ny has become addicted to thrills, and will continue to push himself in taking crazier and crazier risks until something bad happens because of it.

Ny is a handsome young man who takes after his father, with a mop of sandy blonde hair and a wry smile. Unless forced to attend a formal engagement, he wears the heavy riding gear of a swoop jockey.

Deyasa Folet
Brawn 2 Cunning 3 Presence 3
Agility 3 Intellect 2 Willpower 2

Soak: 2
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 12
M/R Defense: 0 / 0

Skills: Astrogation, Athletics, Brawl, Charm, Coercion, Computers, Cool, Coordination, Core Worlds, Deception, Discipline, Education, Gunnery, Leadership, Lore, Mechanics, Medicine, Melee, Negotiation, Outer Rim, Perception, Piloting--Planetary, Piloting--Space, Ranged--Heavy, Ranged--Light, Resilience, Skulduggery, Stealth, Streetwise, Survival, Underworld, Vigilance, Xenology

Talents: Know Somebody (2), Nobody's Fool, Wheel and Deal (2)

Abilities: Free ranks in each of two different skills

Equipment: Clothing, comlink, datapad, light blaster pistol

In may ways, Deyasa is like a combination of her older brother and her parents. She possesses Darvin's business sense, Corun's compassion and Ny's sense of adventure. The important difference is that she has also become involved with the Alliance to restore the Republic. To that end, she is slowly building her connections in hopes of doing something to undermine the Empire. While she doesn't know just how she will accomplish this, she is certainly zealous in her determination to do so.

Deyasa seems like a younger version of her mother, with lustrous dark hair pulled back in a pony tail and eyes and skin the color of coffeine with cream in it.

Using the Folet Family in an Edge of the Empire Campaign
Detailed here are some of the ways in which these beings could become involved in adventures on the galactic fringe.
  • If Corun ever became aware of Darvin's connection to Slarr the Hutt--and thus his involvement with shipping guns and drugs, and thereby adding to the galaxy's misery--she would be very disappointed and angry. Just what she would do, of course, is open to speculation.
  • Alternately, a business rival of his could hire the PCs to find proof of the smuggling in order to disrupt Folet's business.
  • The PCs could be hired by Darvin to run what they think is a legal cargo, only to discover the truth when Imperial entanglements arise.
  • Corun could recruit the PCs to help deliver a valuable cargo--foodstuffs, medicine, or even livestock--to a planet where it is needed. Of course, other less charitable beings could also take an interest in these goods.
  • A PC who is a skilled swoop pilot could be challenged to a race by Ny.
  • When she learns that her father is helping to smuggle weapons for the Hutts, Deyasa decides to steal a shipment so that she can give it to the Rebels.
  • For that or some other business, Deyasa could use Li's Cantina to recruit some capable beings who don't ask too many questions about their jobs.
  • Alternately, if the PCs are connected to the Rebel Alliance, Deyasa could run away from home to join them.

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