Sunday, July 5, 2015

The State of the Galaxy: The Confederacy, the Republic and the Empire

The aftermath of the Clone Wars presents a situation that provides plenty of opportunities for conflict, intrigue and other drama; a few of the possibilities are detailed here.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems
This group of secessionist planets and systems that brought about the Clone Wars has been defeated. The charismatic Count Dooku was killed by Anakin Skywalker during the Siege of Coruscant, while wicked General Grievous died at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau. What is more, the entire leadership of the group, it is believed, has also been killed, since none of them have been reported elsewhere since fleeing from Utapau. Even so, those elements that do remain can provide many hooks to use in adventures and campaigns.
  • Bomo Greenbark's forces from New Plympto are a good example of a non-Human force that didn't take kindly to the Empire. Accused of harboring a Jedi fugitive, they suffered a brutal crackdown, and many former soldiers found themselves sold into slavery. While these beings are largely defeated, it would take just the right spark to ignite a flame of resistance among them.
  • Following their defeat, many agents of the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild, the Intergalactic Banking Clan and other such groups fled to the Corporate Sector, where their money and business savvy were welcomed with open appendages. These beings are mostly motivated by their own profit, but some of them might be convinced to bankroll anti-Imperial activities with a little convincing.
  • The Separatists had many secret facilities and projects scattered throughout their territory. Although Republic/Imperial forces dealt with many of them, others still remain, ripe for the taking of those who can find them.

The Old Republic
With the establishment of the New Order, the Old Republic is no more. There is still a Galactic Senate, but it does little more than approve of decisions made by Emperor Palpatine and thus provide a veneer of democracy for his totalitarian regime. Still, more than a few beings remember how things were and work to undermine Imperial control.
  • The Committee of the 2000 represented many worlds whose inhabitants resented Palpatine's growing control. Among these are such senators as Bail Organa of Alderaan and Mon Mothma of Chandrila. Some, such as Fang Zar of Sern Sector, have even been killed for speaking out against the Empire.
  • Indeed, Bail Organa of Alderaan has worked in secret to assemble groups of like-minded beings who are willing to take action against Imperial resources and activities.
  • Sabé the Handmaiden, who once served the Queen and Senator from Naboo, is a good example of an agent who works within the Senate to foment opposition to the New Order.
  • Rahm Kota's militia is one of the few non-clone forces that played a prominent role in the Clone Wars. As such, when Order 66 was given, their Jedi commander avoided assassination. Now they continue to fight, staging guerrilla attacks across the galaxy.
  • The Antarian Rangers were a paramilitary organization that served the Jedi, providing covert operations and reconnaissance. They, of course, did not buy into the official story that the Jedi were plotting to take over the Republic. Now, though they have lost their official standing, many of their members still uphold the tenets of the Jedi Order.
  • Despite the best efforts of the Empire, there are still some surviving Jedi. A good example of this is the survivors of the Almas Academy in the Cularin System. While many of the Jedi from that system were killed in the Clone Wars, it is believed that some fled into the jungles on Cularin, and are still at large there.

The Galactic Empire
The New Order now controls the galaxy with an iron grip. Even so, not all of its citizens are happy with the ways in which the galaxy has changed, and are beginning to suspect that they've been deceived. Here again, suitable persuasion could convince them that it's time to take action against the Empire.
  • Some Imperial military officers who fought in the Clone Wars don't approve of the Empire's brutality; this has led to retirements, like that of General Jan Dodonna. Others, such as Crix Madine, still struggle with where their loyalties lie.
  • Non-Humans face tremendous bias in the Galactic Empire. Very few are selected for military service, and those that fill government positions do so in little more than a token capacity. This has led to much grumbling, and even to outright resistance, such as that promulgated by the Free Ryloth movement.
  • Needless to say, the Empire is doing all that it can to stamp out any resistance; the two organizations most responsible for these efforts are the Internal Security Bureau and the dreaded Inquisitorius.

The Fringe
For those beings who live and work in the seedier places throughout the galaxy, the change of power from the Old Republic to the New Order hasn't meant a whole lot. While much of the corruption that existed in the Senate has been eliminated, up-and-coming Imperial bureaucrats provide new opportunities for bribery and coercion. Additionally, other groups of concerned citizens have started doing what they can to fight the good fight.
  • Whiplash, an organization based off of Coruscant, is a good example of a small local effort. In addition to other activities, these beings maintain an Underground Mag-Lev used to sneak dissidents off of Imperial Center.
  • Ragtag bands like the crews of the Uhumele and the Drunk Dancer travel the galaxy taking odd jobs to keep their fuel cells charged and their ships' galleys stocked, but also do what they can to hinder Imperial influence.
  • The Cult of Those Who Redeem, based off of Merisee, is a good example of a civilian group that remembers the good done by the Jedi, and that doesn't believe Imperial lies about that order's corruption.
  • At first glance, Black Sun might not seem like a good option for those who seek allies against the Empire. This organization—and especially its leader—have suffered persecution from the Empire, however, and thus could be willing to aid those who seek revenge against it.
  • The Bothan Spynet survived the Clone Wars by playing the role of a neutral party. While many of its members are content to do the same during the New Order, there are those who recognize the Imperial anti-alien bias and want to do something about it.
  • Refugees from the Clone Wars present a considerable logistical problem. May have been displaced due to the fighting, and now need somewhere else to live. Some have integrated themselves with populations on other planets, but others find themselves exploited by agents of the government who seek personal profit, such as those who've been sold into indentured servitude.

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