Thursday, August 14, 2014

Landing Pad

In my last post I provided a link to a compilation of articles from the last eight months or so, all written with Corellia as a common theme. Now that it's finished, I've been looking for a new theme. That will be Hutt Space. Right now I'm working on a crime boss's stronghold. While I'm doing so, I thought I would provide a landing pad. This, by the way, is the kind of platform that I envisioned for use around the Oonta hunting compound in my scenario Hunter and Hunted


Landing Platform
Often in an Edge of the Empire campaign it is important to know where a starship is parked. To that end, presented here is an elevated landing platform suitable for use in remote areas, especially jungle or swamp locations where it's difficult to build the more typical docking bay.

The landing platform is circular, twenty meters in diameter. It is supported by seven stout columns that are ten meters tall. Of course, that height can be much larger, such as when a platform like this is built to protrude from the water. A one-meter high guard railing runs around the circumference. The ground is accessible via a four-meter-wide lift platform on one side, big enough to be used for cargo as well as passengers and crew. In some locations guards are posted at the base of the lift.

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